Send Abstract submission
Deadline for abstract submission:
1st May 2014
The abstracts must be submitted not later than 1st May 2014,
in order to be included in the Proceedings of the congress and published in electronic supplement of Journal of Neurological Surgery and indexed in PUBMED.
Late abstracts will not be considered. The abstract must be written in English.
The guidelines for abstract submission should be completely followed.
Guidelines for preparing the abstract
- Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere prior to May 2014.
- Abstract must be written in Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, font size 11pt.
- The title must be short, clearly indicating the objective of the investigation. All letters of the title should be capital. Do not include any abbreviations or commercial names of drugs.
- Type the Name(s) and Family Name(s) of the presenting author together with whole correspondence address.
- Underline the name of the presenting author.
- Type the Initial(s) of the name and whole Family Name(s) of all authors together with their address.
- The abstract body may not be longer than 250 words.
- The International System of Units (SI) should be used.
- Standard abbreviations may be employed in the text of the abstract (not in the title). Place special abbreviation in parentheses after the full wording at the first time it appears in the body of the text.
- The abstract should be structured as follows:
- Introduction
- Aim
- Material and methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- These words should be bolded and the parts should be in separate paragraphs.
- Authors are asked to enter 3 keywords to better define the abstract content.
- Authors should indicate their presentation preference.
- Oral
- Poster
Submission of the abstracts
Abstracts should be submitted using the form below
Obligatory on your e-mail you will receive a notification of abstract submission.
In a case you have not received these notifications in a period of 7 days please contact us.
Notification of abstract acceptance
You will receive a notification of abstract acceptance not later than 8th May 2014 together with the guidelines for preparation of the poster and the time and duration of the presentation.
Poster dimensions
Dimensions of poster panels: up to 85 cm in width and 120 cm in height.